Saturday 29 August 2009

Comet Lulin granted communists with supermighty power


At night our planet was approached by Comet Lulin. It was not an accident. Exactly at the height of capitalist system's world financial crisis progressive forces of the Universe might be signalling humanity: "Down with exploiters, time to overthrow appointees of Behind-the-Scenes Masters everywhere, it's necessary to hoist Red Labour Banner over the globe".

According to CP analysts, Lulin's two tails symbolise two progressive ideologies, Marxism and Leninism merged into one in October 1917.

Of course, bourgeois astronomers will make an attempt to trivially interpret comet's grand approach as a momentary sensation. But Left forces will not allow them to vulgarise the arrival of great Lulin, predicted by Stalin, Ho Chi Minh and by the leader of mysterious Nepalese communists Man Mohan Adhikari.

Invisible, yet deadly the rays of Lulin, breaking through NATO bases barrage fields and vile American spy satellites, will strike oppressors of Iraq, murderers of Miloshevich, Estonian Neo-fascists and enemies of Bolivian people.
Severe radiation of steep hipped messenger of red space will reduce to ashes millions of bucks Deripaska and Prokhorov hid in armoured strongboxes and bring Pentagon officials' psyche on the brink of madness. And on the contrary, omnipotent, flaming Lulin will surround Ilyich's Mausoleum, targeted by ursine White Guardists, with eternal protection.
Peterburg communists authoritatively announce that last night Lulin, acting as a grandiose bundle of will from proletarians across the Universe, passed on to us as well as to all other Earth communists over the distance a hitherto unseen impulse of resolve in struggle, of faith in socialism's victory, of ruthlessness to oppressors, imperialists, monarchs and to lacklustre basmachi.
Armed with Lulin's great power we vow to put Lenin's ideas into worldly life.



  1. Anonymous1/9/09 00:35

    While Iraq was unnecessary and all, Hussein himself was also an opressor of Iraq.

  2. He was struck by the power of approaching Lulin.

  3. Anonymous20/9/09 20:57

    There is no governmental system that will ever work in any country. Every system has someone running it, and that (or those) people will always abuse their power for personal gain. Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalsim, Republic, Democracy ... they are all doomed. People are people and will not change. The haves will always screw the have nots, no matter what the political system. The US is no different now than it was 100 years, we just now have this wonderful thing called the internet, and news spreads faster in 1 minute than it did in 1 year back then.

  4. Communism is just an economical system which will prevail after capitalism meets its end, i.e. production relations outdevelop the current system. Human relations evolve according to the environment, so we can expect at least some change in human nature.
    US has changed considerably in the course of last century, but what matters here is the situation worldwide, medium level relative to US.
